Utility Billing Policy

Meters read on the 25th of month (or so)
Bills mailed out the second to last business day of the month
Bills are due on the 20th of the month (or first business day following)
Late fees (10%) posted 21st (or first business day following)
Any accounts with a balance due will also be sent a disconnect notice along with the regular bills on the second to last business day of the month with a fee (currently $10) added for the additional notice. No disconnection hangers or further notices will be sent.

Next cycle –
Read meters on either the last day of the month or the last friday.
Disconnects and bills sent on second to last business day of the month
Council notified of disconnects at that month’s meeting, disconnection to follow with council order. (No disconnection hangers or further notices will be sent.)
i.e. Water used in January, billed at the end of January, due Feb. 20, late Feb. 21, past due at the end of February, disconnected in March following council meeting/order.

Cold Weather Rule. Water service disconnections for residential users will be done pursuant to M.S. 216B.097. You must notify City Hall immediately if water disconnection affects your primary heat source (Effective from Oct.15-April 15).

Any account that remains disconnected and past due will be notified that the amount due will be certified to the Renville County Auditor/Treasurer and assessed to the owner’s property taxes. The delinquent utility assessments will be certified quarterly, as needed. The water will not be reconnected until the entire past due balance is paid in full (including amounts set for assessment) plus a reconnection fee (currently $100.00).

**Policy approved by City Council on June 10, 2020


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