Morton Community Foundation

The Morton Community Foundation (MACF) works on the vision for the future of Morton. They provide endowment funds with the interest earned available as a grant to qualifying groups to make lasting improvements in the community, grant scholarships and to encourage positive changes for the community.

The Morton Area Community Foundation has a mission to support the community and local businesses through resources that benefit all. MACF is a nonprofit organization under the Southwest Initiative Foundation. MACF strives to benefit the community to make a difference in the Morton area and establish a better tomorrow.

Foundation Purpose

  • To improve the quality of life in the Morton Area
  • To provide a flexible vehicle through which can make a gift by “leaving a legacy”
  • To assist you in achieving your charitable goals
  • To build a perpetual organization
  • To respond to the changing needs of our community
  • To increase the overall charitable resource for Morton
moton mn

Meet the Morton Community Foundation Board

The Morton Area Community Foundation is overseen by a board of directors who help direct how funds will be used for the betterment of the Morton area.

  • Candy Korte, Present and Chair
  • Kathy Hegstad, Vice President
  • Diane Amberg, Secretary

Betterment Projects & Events

With a focus to better the Morton area community, Morton Area Community Foundation hosts events and projects throughout the year. Examples of projects include a Santa event in November and the painting of the Morton Senior Center by artists Nathan Maliscke and Guillermo Valadez. Future projects on the horizon include improving the ball field, adding a soccer field and additional activities for youth!

Beautification of Morton

Project One

This space is for the residents of Morton to walk or ride ATVs and enjoy the nice space with great scenery. The clean up started in August by Mike Rasmussen of Affordable Dirt Works. He dug up the weeds, shrubs and debris to help showcase the beautiful granite wall. The Redwood Falls Nursery Inc. planted the sixteen flowering crab trees. Thank you to the DNR and Jeff Zajac for seeding Minnesota Pollinator seed mix around the crab trees. Thank you to the Morton Fire Department for watering the trees. Along with the blooming crab blossoms each spring, there will be prairie flowers in bloom throughout the growing season!

Mural in the City of Morton

Grants for Future Projects

The Morton Area Community Foundation (MACF) is proud to have granted nearly $270,000 to fund local organizations to assist local organizations and betterment projects. Those interested in applying for a grant are invited to present the interest with the board and provide reasoning for how your project will strengthen and improve the Morton area. Connect with the board with your intent by calling (605) 695-6093 or the MACF Facebook Page.

Interested in Joining In?

If you are interested in joining in on the Morton Area Community Foundation’s mission to better the Morton area community, please contact one of the board members or stay in touch with the MACF Facebook Page for upcoming events and meetings.


If you are interested in supporting the Morton Area Community Foundation through a monetary donation, checks can be made out to:

Morton Area Community Foundation
PO Box 331
Morton, MN 56270

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