Morton Cemetery

Cemeteries in Morton, MN

The City of Morton is home to two final resting places: the Morton Municipal Cemetery and Calvary Cemetery.

The City of Morton municipal cemetery is located north of Morton on Highway 71. The municipal cemetery is open to the public for visitation during daylight hours and those who need a burial spot for loved ones. Learn more about our municipal cemetery and its regulations below.

Locate a Grave

The City of Morton has worked together with a local volunteer to create a directory of those who have been laid to rest in our municipal cemetery. This interactive map will provide visitors with information about the person including birthdate, date passed, spouse, parents and their obituary. Stay tuned as this resource will be coming very soon!

Chuck's funeral line up
cemetery headstone
Municipal Cemetery Regulations

The Morton Municipal Cemetery is open to all. Purchase a plot through the City Treasurer in the Morton City Office. All lot agreements are subject to reasonable rules and regulations as the Council may adopt relative to the use of the cemetery. No lot shall be used for any purpose other than the burial of human remains and the placing of memorials as permitted by the ordinance or any additional regulation that the Council may provide.

Once your plot is purchased and ownership has been verified, a cemetery serve can be performed. There are several regulations that must be followed in accordance with state and local laws:

  • Stones must be constructed of granite, marble or bronze material and need to be placed inside the bed space. Measurements can be provided by the city clerk.
  • Inform the city office before you dig. You may dig yourself or make arrangements for an internment company to dig on your behalf.
  • Top of the urn must be 18” below ground level.
  • All caskets must be encased in a permanent type burial case or vault. Fiberglass vaults are prohibited.
  • Deeds may be transferable with the City Administrator/Clerk approval.

Please be respectful of the people and the grounds. There are specifications when it comes to decorations that allow for city maintenance to ensure that the final resting place for your loved ones is well cared for. We encourage you to reference the ordinance on cemetery rules and regulations for additional information.

Decoration of Lots
  • The ground planting of flowers, plants, shrubs or trees by the lot owner is not permitted. The City shall have the authority to remove all floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind, if in the judgment of the cemetery officials, do not conform to the standards maintained and policy adopted. Any existing trees, shrubs or plants that are already on lots, should they die, shall not be replaced. These existing plants will be removed if they become a menace to other sides, pedestrians or create an unpleasant atmosphere or to allow for excavation of an adjoining grave.
  • The placing of boxes, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, glass, wood or iron cases, and similar articles upon lots shall not be permitted. If such items are placed, the City may remove them.
  • All objects not described above, including balloons, banners, food and beverages, knick knacks, shepherd hooks, solar lights and lanterns, stuffed animals, wind chimes, windmills, windsocks, and statuary not incorporated into a monument, are prohibited and may be subject to immediate removal.
  • The City reserves the right to remove all monuments, markers, flowers, plants, trees, decorations, or other similar things without liability to the owner whenever any of these objects become unsafe, unsightly, dangerous, detrimental, diseased or when they do not conform to the standards maintained or policy adopted.
  • Flowers and decorations in planters or pots or those attached as part of the marker or stone are allowed during any time of the year. Other decorations, not prohibited by other sections of the policy, shall be allowed to be placed on the grave site no sooner than three (3) days prior to Memorial and will be allowed to remain no longer than three (3) days following Memorial Day. Decorations not removed during the allowed time will be removed and disposed of.
  • The loss or disposal of any flowers or decorations will not be the responsibility of the City of Morton.
  • Special ornamentation is allowed during funerals but must be removed within five (5) days. If these are not removed by the date, the ornamentation will be removed and disposed of and the City will not be liable for such loss.

Current plot price is $150 for a 11’ by 5’ plot. There are no additional marking fees for the cemetery. The prices of cemetery lots and services will be set by resolution of the City Council. Any person paying for a lot is entitled to deed conveying the lot. A deed conveying a lot gives the purchaser only the right of burial therein and shall be considered as a license that restricts the use to burial purposes.


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